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Social Media Content Ideas to Revamp Your Strategy

It's no secret that businesses need to post fresh content on social media regularly in order to keep followers engaged and attract new people to their accounts. But coming up with new ideas every day can be downright exhausting. That's why we're here to help! In this blog post, we'll provide a cheat sheet of solid content ideas for each major social media channel. You'll never find yourself staring at a blank content calendar again!


On Facebook, try posting:
-Interview with an expert in your field

-Q&A with a company executive or spokesperson

-How-to video or article

-Customer success story

-Promotion or sale announcement


On Twitter, try posting:
-Industry news and updates

-Retweets of complimentary tweets about your company or product

-Funny or relatable memes or GIFs related to your industry/branding identity (just make sure they're appropriate!)

-Informative blog post excerpts with a link back to the full article on your website


On LinkedIn, try posting:
-Thoughtful articles discussing current trends in your industry

-In-depth blog posts authored by company experts

-Infographics or brief videos explaining your products or services

-Customer success stories or testimonials




On Instagram, try posting:
-High-quality photos of your products in use (bonus points if they're styled in an aesthetically pleasing way)

-Candid behind-the-scenes shots of your team at work

-Inspiring quotes superimposed over relevant images


On Pinterest, try posting:
-How-to guides for using your products or accomplishing tasks related to your industry

-Informative blog post excerpts with a link back to the full article on your website

-Stunning images (preferably with a minimalistic design) related to your brand identity

-Infographics or brief videos explaining your products or services


On Snapchat, try posting:
-Fun behind-the-scenes snaps of your team at work

-Quick how-to videos or product demonstrations

-Exclusive coupon codes or discount offers

- sneak peeks of new products or content before it's released anywhere else!


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