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3 Types of Social Media Content to Increase your Engagement

As a business person, you know that social media is a powerful tool to increase your engagement and reach new customers. But what type of content should you post to see the best results? Here are three types of social media content that will help you boost your engagement and get more leads.

Interactive content (polls, surveys, questions) 

Polls, quizzes, and Q&As are among the tools that many social networking sites are increasingly adding to make their material really participatory.

With the Story features, Instagram has increased its interactive content offerings, allowing marketers to connect with their fans on a more personal level.

Polls, surveys, and questions also help in getting insights from your follower base about a specific topic.


Shareable content (Quotes, Memes, Motivational Images, Advise) 

People share brand postings on social media for a variety of reasons. It's because, according to psychologists, this information reflects who we are – or, at the very least, how we want to be viewed. People are also more inclined to share content that represents their personality, therefore amusing or inspiring content is more likely to be shared. So, if you want to boost engagement, especially in terms of online sharing, you should design content that is likely to be shared.


Marcin Drozdz

User-generated content


User-Generated Content (UGC) is exactly what it sounds like: content provided by ordinary people to promote a brand. The goal of user-generated content (UGC) is to demonstrate to customers that the product, service, or brand is liked by others.

Before making a purchase, 86 percent of customers actively seek reviews.

Using user-generated material (along with a mention of the customer who made it or a quotation from a legitimate review) is a fantastic approach to provide your audience with the type of information they want to see.



So, how do you know what content to post on social media? The answer is simple – understand your audience. What kind of information will resonate with them and get them to engage? Use social listening tools to gain insights into their wants and needs, then experiment with different types of content until you find what gets the most shares, likes, and comments. Keep in mind that it’s important to maintain a consistent tone throughout all of your social media posts so that your brand remains recognizable and trustworthy.

Are you ready to start creating content that engages your audience? Let us know how we can help!


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